Exhibition of Czech Cubism in Prague – dynamics in simple shapes
Cubism brought revolution to the world of art before the First World War. The deconstruction of objects into simple geometric shapes, which disrupts the overall impression, also disrupted traditional artistic practices. When this pre-war avant-garde style reached Prague from Paris, it resulted in a unique combination: cubism and architecture.
You can judge it for yourself at a unique exhibition of Czech cubism at the House of the Black Madonna, one of the creations of Czech cubist architecture, in Old Town in the center of Prague. The exhibits on display are arranged in the environment where they belong, and this singular style means the rooms of the House of the Black Madonna are again part of the exhibition.

Chair like a throne, chandelier like a diamond
The exhibition mainly offers a cross-section of Czech cubism in the interior objects. Visitors will see furniture from architects Pavel Janák, Vlastislav Hofman and from the most famous representative of Czech cubism Josef Gočár, who designed the House of the Black Madonna itself. Square chairs and crooked tables are enhanced by smooth ceramics, curious metal objects, mesmerizing wallpaper and cubist posters. Naturally there will be cubist painting and sculpture by Czech artists like Emil Filla and works by graphic artist, writer and photographer Josef Čapek.

It doesn’t end at the House of the Black Madonna

The exhibition also includes an active zone with cubist furniture. A lecturer can be hired who will guide you through the exhibition accompanied by expert commentary in English. The organizers have prepared information material in printed form or on tablet directly at the exhibition. The house is home to the only cubist café in the world where you can wrap up the exhibition with another pleasant experience. And those really into cubism can go for a walk around Prague to see other architectural pearls. There will be a map available at the exhibition at the House of the Black Madonna to guide them in their quest for cubist buildings.

In search of cubism in Prague and the Czech Republic

In Old Town, not far from the National Theatre, stands the cubist building Diamant. There is also Kovařicova Villa just below the legendary Vyšehrad on the banks of the Vltava, and a little farther on the inconspicuous Trojdům, which has stood on the Rašínov embankment for more than a hundred years. The aforementioned famous architect Josef Gočár designed more buildings in Prague, like the rondo-cubist Legiobank on the street Na Poříčí. He also had a major impact on the architecture of Hradce Králové, where the high school he designed still stands today. He also designed the large pavilion in Bohdaneč Spa. His other famous work is Bauer Villa near Kolín, which is now the Museum and Gallery of Cubist Design.


Ovocný trh 569, 110 00 Praha