Portmoneum Litomyšl
The former home of art lover Josef Portmon in Litomyšl is the best example of the wealth of work produced by notable graphic artist, Josef Váchal, who in his own lifetime was regarded as a bit of an eccentric; his mystical works were only truly appreciated after he died. In the 1920s he created his masterpiece – the Portmoneum – where you will see wall frescos, which Váchal used to decorate two rooms, two carved bookcases and other weird and wonderful furniture. He adorned the walls and ceiling with various ornamentation as well as demons, ghosts, imps and other creatures, biblical scenes and signs of the zodiac. Come and see this impressive spectacle for yourself.
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리토미슐(Litomyšl)은 오래된 역사와 아름다운 클래식 선율, 체코의 유명 인사들에 대한 흔적 그리고 휴식이 공존하는 도시입니다. 유네스코 세계문화유산에 등재된 기념비적인 건축물인 르네상스 양식의 리토미슐 샤토(Litomyšl Chateau)를 방문하거나 세계적인 작곡가 베드르지흐 스메타나(Bedřich Smetana)의 발자취를 따라가볼 수도 있고, 낭만적인 정원에서 산책을 할 수도 있습니다. 또한 요세프 바할(Josef Váchal)의 독특한 작품을 만날 수 있는 포르트모네움 (Portmoneum) 박물관을 꼭 방문해 보세요.