Vivez la Tchéquie comme un roi
Vous êtes venus en Tchéquie fêter une date importante, un anniversaire ou un autre grand événement ? Ou bien vous êtes habitués à des services premium et voulez vivre quelque chose de spécial durant vos voyages ? C’est précisément pour vous que nous avons préparé une liste des meilleurs endroits de luxe ou d’activités grâce auxquels vous vivrez vraiment royalement votre séjour en Tchéquie!

Contemplez la Tchéquie vue d’en haut et ramenez un titre de noblesse

Have a luxury car pick you up from anywhere in Prague and whisk you off to the start of your extraordinary experience. Not everyone is lucky enough to see Kutná Hora, a UNESCO Heritage Site, Karlštejn, Czechia’s most famous castle, or the fabulous natural beauty of the Bohemian Paradise from a hot-air balloon. During your flight, you’ll drink a toast to your new noble title and undergo an aeronaut's baptism! Bohemia Balón offers hot-air balloon sightseeing flights from Prague, Flyballon specialises in flights over picturesque South Moravia, and Promo-air flies balloons all over the country.

Balloons above Bouzov castle, Czech Republic

Touchez les cieux et admirez les plus beaux panoramas sur Prague

Avoid the throngs of tourists and enjoy Prague in the palm of your hand! A good place to do this is the Žižkov Television Tower, the highest building in the city, where you can have dinner, stay over, and admire views you won’t find anywhere else.

TV tower in Prague, Czech Republic

You’ll find an equally breathtaking view of the City of a Hundred Spires from the other side if you take the lift up to the top floor of the Dancing House. Impossible to miss, this architectural gem on the Rašínovo nábřeží embankment is the cherry on the cake of the city’s iconic panorama. It contains a restaurant, a bar, a hotel and a gallery with a terrace, from where you can enjoy the most romantic views of Prague.

Dancing house Prague, Czech Republic

Vous pouvez également savourer une vue extraordinaire sur Prague accompagnée d’un excellent moment gastronomique en haut du grand magasin Máj réouvert sur l’avenue Národní třída. La terrasse panoramique Fly Vista avec un restaurant rooftop et un bar s’y trouve en effet au 9ème étage.

Venez profiter d’une oasis de calme bien méritée

Is relaxation the thing you most crave from your holiday? Infinit Sen in Senohraby near Prague will pamper you like royalty! Try a honey, herbal or salt sauna and take part in some unique sauna ceremonies.
For an equally luxurious experience, try the branch of Maximus in Brno, which has 12 saunas as well as thermal and whirlpool baths, which can even be booked for a private session.

Senohraby Infinit Sen, Czech Republic

In North Moravia, be sure not to miss Petrovice Château, a place much loved by the niece of Empress Sissi. It’s the perfect place for a course of treatment in a Kneipp spa, or you can immerse yourself in a sea of blissful tranquillity with the Seventh Heaven concept, specially developed by scientists.

Hotel Zamecek Petrovice, Czech Republic

Nestled amidst the magical countryside of Vysočina you’ll find the top-class Svatá Kateřina wellness & spa resort. Besides classic wellness stays with massages and saunas, it also offers yoga and Ayurvedic stays.

Resort Svata Katerina, Czech Republic

Pénétrez dans les coulisses de la fabrication du verre tchèque

For anyone in search of a unique VIP experience, a private tour of one of the most successful Czech glassworks is the real deal! Moser of Karlovy Vary offers vouchers for an out-of-the-ordinary visit to the birthplace of handmade crystal with its glass smelting works, museum and gallery. At the end of your tour you can take a sample of this unique work home with you.

Moser Czech glass, Czech Republic

Prenez un café avec le châtelain du plus célèbre château tchèque

An absolute MUST if you’re looking for a royal experience is a visit to Czechia’s national gemKarlštejn! You have the opportunity to get a regally close look at this 14th-century Gothic fortress, built by the most important Bohemian king, Charles IV. After all, a ticket for the special “Coffee with the Castellan” tour will give you a detailed look around the entire castle focusing on the places you’re most interested in, with the castellan himself.

Karlštejn Castle, Czech Republic

Savourez de superbes moments gastronomiques dans les meilleurs restaurants

No true luxury experience is complete without outstanding cuisine and perfect service. If you fancy being properly indulged, visit the Michelin-starred La Degustation Boheme Bourgeoise or Field restaurants, right in the heart of Prague.

Field Michelin restaurant, Czech Republic

Service parfait, environnement exclusif et chef étoilé au Michelin – tout cela vous est proposé au restaurant 420 sur la place de la Vieille Ville, juste en face de l’horloge.

And there’s another unique culinary treat awaiting you in Moravia too! The Entrée restaurant in Olomouc boasts an open kitchen and an exquisite setting in the style of a living garden, serving up a menu inspired by nature.

Entree restaurant Olomouc, Czech Republic

Vous pouvez aussi goûter à une très grande gastronomie au restaurant Essens en visitant le complexe de Lednice-Valtice. L’environnement du châtelet Hraniční zámeček de style classique avec sa vue sur l’étang Hlohovecký vous enchantera très certainement.

Couchez-vous comme un vrai noble avec vue sur le château

Every proper king needs a magnificent chamber! Czechia has almost a hundred five-star hotels in five different cities all over the country. What about Andaz Prague or the Four Seasons Prague, right in the heart of the Old Town? Or would you prefer the more peaceful setting of the grand Barceló in Brno? The choice is yours...

Andaz hotel Prague, Czech Republic

Enrichissez votre esprit dans le sanctuaire de la culture

No gentleman or lady with a cultural spirit should miss out on the opportunity to visit the country’s Mecca of art – the National Theatre! Get dressed up to the nines on and enjoy some operatic arias enhanced by the unique genius loci of one of the symbols of Prague.

National theatre Prague, Czech Republic

Les concerts de musique classique dans l’enceinte de l’élégant palais Lobkowicz au Château de Prague offrent également un moment unique accessible à tous.

Un séjour de régénération et de bien-être dans le triangle thermal

Czechia’s spas are the perfect place to relax and enjoy some luxury care. Let the experts pamper you in the Spa Triangle, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Besides the healing springs and first-rate care, these spa towns also have their own unique atmosphere! Take a stroll along the Hot Spring Colonnade in Karlovy Vary, admire the gorgeous Singing Fountain in Mariánské Lázně or recoup your energy in the forest parks of Františkovy Lázně.

Karlovy Vary colonnade, Czech Republic

Et pour finir quelques idées de shopping royal

You can’t go home from a luxury holiday without a souvenir! If you want to get yourself something really special, we recommend visiting Pařížská street, which is home to the department stores of some of the world’s top brands.

Parizska street Prague, Czech Republic

However, you should definitely have some typical Czech craftsmanship tucked away in your suitcase, too. Some hand-blown crystal from Crystal Valley will add a touch of elegance to any room!

Preciosa Czech glass, Czech Republic
Ten Tips for Chateau Hotels and Luxurious Accommodation

Ten Tips for Chateau Hotels and Luxurious Accommodation

You will find hundreds of châteaux and manors in the Czech Republic. Some offer tours, others have recently opened their gates as luxurious hotels and conference or wellness centres. Would you like to live like a king for once in your life? We are bringing an overview of the most interesting chateau hotels across the Czech Republic.