Relaxation didn’t end with summer – the spas come to life in autumn
Autumn may seem like the end of the tourist season. Children go back to school, the days are shorter and the sun is not as warm as it used to be. But there are areas where the number of tourists increases during autumn. Join them at the spa and recharge your energy for winter. Get warm in the same hot springs where people like Emperor Charles IV used to soak in. Indulge in wellness and luxurious care in the best of Czech spas. Since you have a wide choice before you, we have prepared a few tips – some you probably know, others maybe you’re reading about for the first time – but all are worth it.

Thermal Spa of Velké Losiny

There is in the east of the Czech Republic a unique and brand new spa resort called Velké Losiny, where thermal water fills the water park. It is therefore an ideal place for families with children. While parents can relax in the hot tub or go for a massage, children can ride down the slide. For a point of interest, you can also go to the local paper mill and try for yourself the method of producing paper, which hasn’t changed here since the 16th century. Just an hour from Velká Losina lies Olomouc, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Also worth a trip is the romantic castle of Bouzov, which is mainly famous from fairytales.

Cozy Luhačovice

A little further east from Velká Losina, in a valley of the protected area of the White Carpathians, is the spa town of Luhačovice. It enjoys the reputation of being one of the most beautiful spas in the Czech Republic and is well known throughout Europe – due primarily to being one of the best resorts for treating respiratory tract problems. If you have no health problems and would like to go to Luhačovice just to relax, you won’t be disappointed. The unique folk architecture of the buildings will see to that, as well as trips to the surrounding area – for example, to Kroměříž, a listed UNESCO site.

The unique Jánské Spa

Jánské spa in the northern part of the Czech Republic is world famous thanks to a special combination you will find only rarely. This small town at the foot of Krkonoše, the highest mountains in the Czech Republic, offers cures, relaxation packages, hiking in the hills, and ski slopes for advanced skiers. A chairlift runs directly from the town to the peak of one of the highest mountains in Krkonoše, Černá hora (Black Mountain). The town itself offers guests at the spa a pleasant colonnade and legendary statue of the even more legendary Krakonoš – the bearded patron of the mountains, who watches over them and guests at the spa.

Royal Carlsbad

Easily the most famous spa in the Czech Republic, Carlsbad has attracted visitors for many centuries – whether for its unique hot mineral springs, vast spa woods or elegant architecture. Carlsbad is located in western Bohemia, a two-hour trip from Prague and just over the border from Germany. Its accessible location and own airport bring visitors here every year from around the world, who then set off for the spa triangle, which is also made up of nearby Marianbad and Franzensbad. The list of visitors to Carlsbad includes kings, poets, scientists, composers and writers. It was founded by Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV, who already in the 14th century valued the healing power of the local springs. The Czech Republic, including Carlsbad, is preparing to celebrate the 700th anniversary of his birth.