雅纳切克出身非常贫寒,但由于他从小就表现出的音乐天赋,他的父母将他送到布尔诺的一所音乐天才儿童学校就学。这决定了作曲家莱奥什·雅纳切克的命运,他是世界上一些最常上演的歌剧的作者。今年,除了贝德里奇·斯美塔那的周年纪念日,我们还将纪念雅纳切克的诞辰:他于1854年7月3日出生于胡克瓦迪。不仅如此,他著名的作品《狐狸 Bystrouška》也将在捷克共和国的许多顶级音乐节上再次上演。
Leoš Janáček, a gifted talent from Czechia
Uncover the legacy of Leoš Janáček

Leoš Janáček, a gifted talent from Czechia

He came from a very poor background, but as he showed a talent for music from an early age, his parents sent him to a school for musically gifted children in Brno. Thus was sealed the destiny of composer Leoš Janáček, composer of some of the world’s most frequently performed operas. He and Czechia’s second biggest city are still inextricably linked.