Cerca de la ciudad de Trutnov le esperan más de 40 km de senderos naturales de dificultad variable.
Trutnov trails (TT) ofrecen 5 trails Azules (fáciles), 5 trails Rojos (medios/difíciles), 6 trails Negros (avanzados), y 2 trails Ascendentes. 

TT es uno de los centros de “enduro” trail de Chequia. Se encuentra entre los centros de MTB más populares del país con un ambiente único, ofreciendo increíbles senderos rocosos y fluidos. Es un lugar definitivo para todos aquellos que disfrutan de una amplia variedad de terrenos. El paisaje está formado por peñascos de arenisca, rocas, bosques, prados y pastos, lo que lo convierte en un lugar ideal para la bicicleta de montaña. El punto de partida es el Centro de Trail en el pueblo de Lhota cerca de Trutnov, el segundo lugar de entrada es el aparcamiento “Pod Sedmidomím”. 

Mientras recorre el Sendero Modřínový (Alerce) disfrutará de la magnífica vista desde las rocas de arenisca y sentirá la verdadera grandeza del bosque de alerces. Si busca más adrenalina, está el exigente sendero negro „Ptačí perspektiva“ (Vista de pájaro), que ofrece desafíos técnicos como grandes tramos pedregosos, pendientes pronunciadas y escaleras. Sin embargo, aquí también encontrará muchos senderos azules para principiantes y familias. Los senderos siguen creciendo y el objetivo es ofrecer a los aficionados a la bicicleta hasta 50 km de senderos. 

Correr por los senderos puede ser extenuante y es posible que desee tomarse un descanso y explorar más de los alrededores, por lo tanto, puede impulsar su visita con viajes en bicicleta clásica, utilizando el esquema local de pruebas marcadas,  a la cercana Krkonoše (Montañas Gigantes), Adršpachrocas, Broumovsko, o una ciudad balneario Janské Lázně.  
El lugar también es famoso por sus “voluntariados de trailwork&ldquo mensualestrabajos“ que a menudo atraena muchos aficionados al MTB. Eslo que hace tan especial al TT, la comunidad de entusiastas y voluntarios, que construyeron y mantienen los senderos. Es es a DEBE SEE para todos quienes quieran explorar los checos checosparastyle="Body Text">República de a MTB ¡perspectiva! 
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Lhotecká 6, 54101 Trutnov - Lhota


Panský stoupak (Lord's Ascent) – an easy ascending trail (3,2 km), through which entrance trail; it is the only climbing trail that partially uses the "pavement" that our ancestors used on old royal ways. It will lead you to three other tracks. 

Zkratka k trailům (Shortcut to trails) – 4,1 km, ascending trails that connect individual trials and take you to the top of the trails.  

Bunkr (Bunker) Trail - 7 km, easy/intermediate, a beautiful, panoramic, and longest trail from Bezděkov to Lhota. It was extended by a technical red passage above Lhota. 

Kozí (Goat) Trail – 5.1 km, easy; smooth and fun rides suitable for technically less skilled bikers. Also, the first flow trail to be built in Truntov trials. The fun feature is a kilometer long flow IMBA section. The joy of riding here comes from a few banked turns, bumps, and other minor terrain roughness. 

Floutek (Dandy) Trail– 3,8 km, easy/intermediate, a top-quality flow trail. Its design comes from the workshop of Canadian Gravity Logic, one of the world's best companies in the field.  

Trubka (Tube) Trail – 0,7 km, a warm-up trail which will entertain you and give you the ideal warm-up before hitting the main portion of the trails.  

Úpa Trail – 4,6 km, an approaching trail to the Trail center from the town of Trutnov 

Modřinový (Larch) Trail - 3.1 km, medium difficult; it is the original trail which pioneered the way to the present day Trutnov trails. The trail has more of a natural character with big stony parts. But no worries, the most demanding routes have a simple way around. If you are a climbing lover then pack your climbing gear, so you can enjoy the sandstone boulders along the way. 

Perníkový (Ginger) Trail – 2 km, difficult; the trail, originally, started as an enduro racetrack and was gradually embellished into the present shape with technical fittings. The name is derived from the gingerbread house, around which he leads and meets Floutek here.  

Rýbrcoul Trail – 1 km, medium difficult; A purely natural enduro trail just above the Lhota village will test the adhesion of your tires and your sense for going through deviated traverses and turns, especially when wet. 

Myší díra Trail (Mouse hole) – 1 km, medium-difficult; offers rocking compressions as well as simpler technical crossings. It will ideally serve you as another warm-up when you arrive at the main start of all trails, you will lose a minimum of height meters by going down.  

Ádr expres – 2,7 km, medium difficult; a brand-new trail that is waiting for your exploration. 

Trail Pod Jeskyňkou - 2 km, difficult; the oldest among our black trails and one of the most challenging and sophisticated trails with the legendary Whistler section. You will find many stones and steep slopes there, especially the middle and the lower parts offer plenty of fun.  

Boulder trail – 2,5 km, difficult; the „easiest“ of the black trails is a natural intermediate step in advancing your enduro experience. There are technical challenges when crossing large stones or balancing fast flow sections.  

Ptačí perspektiva Trail (Bird View) – 0,8 km, expert-difficult, an amazingly photogenic trail full of moss-covered huge boulders, which are often part of the trail. You will often really see the trail from the bird of prey point of view, as it starts on the edge of rocks, then across a wooden obstacle over a huge boulder all the way to Lord's Ascent. It is guaranteed that you won't lose a lot of altitude by going down, but you will definitely get a huge dose of endorphins. 

Střílna (Loophole) Trail– 1 km, expert-difficult; is one of the most attractive trails in Czechia. It runs masterfully of the exposed rock ridge, along a world war bunker using the old bunker path which, at the same time, creates an access to the historic fortress. 

Jezevec (Badger) Trail – 0,7 km, expert- difficult; a fresh and dynamic trail that send you down through rocky parts to a former quarry.  

Žiletka (Razor) Trail – 2 km, difficult, riding on a razor’s edge along the rocky ridge above the Úpa river is another demanding trail, both in the descent and in the ascent.