Enter the realm of the elegant Italian Renaissance, walk through the wonderful chambers of the chateau and discover the place that is sought out by filmmakers from all over the world due to its picturesque and unique charm. After this you will certainly be convinced that the Telč Chateau is more than worthy of being one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.  
Thanks to the owners’ sensitive approach to the legacy of the past, you can still to this day see the result of the transformation of the stark, originally Gothic, castle into a comfortable aristocratic manor in Italian Renaissance style. You will be struck by the ceremonial halls with lavishly adorned lacunar ceiling, in which you can discern ancient gods and mythical heroes along portraits of real historical personalities. They will be looking at you from the richly carved lacunar ceiling in the majestic Golden Hall where the opulent splendour of the chateau reaches its very peak. You will also have the possibility to walk through the residential quarters of the most recent owners of the chateau from the dynasty of Podstatský-Lichtenštejn.


Nám. Zachariáše z Hradce 1
588 56 Telč