700th Years of Charles IV - Festivities of Knights at Prague Castle
Head for Prague Castle and the green areas surrounding it – namely for the Deer Moat, where three times a day top stuntmen dressed in mighty armour sitting astride their noble steeds will put on a jousting display worthy of the grandeur of Prague Castle.
The atmosphere of times long passed will return to Prague for a short while in July and will be enhanced by various stopovers in the grounds of the upper Deer Moat at Prague Castle, featuring for example a knight's camp, a crane for lifting men in armour onto a horse, siege engines and period arts and crafts. An executioner will show some of the torture techniques of the Middle Ages and a band will play medieval music.

The event is also suitable for children, who will undoubtedly welcome a pleasant change from everyday life behind school desks. They will be able to try their hand at writing with a goose quill, making chain mail and sword fighting.

2016 marks the 700th anniversary of the birth of the King and Emperor Charles IV, who was the most popular monarch throughout the history of the Czech Republic. Not surprisingly, the whole country has dedicated many events to his memory. For example, in Prague you can visit an exhibition, bringing the personality of Charles IV to the present days, while Prague Castle has prepared several expositions glorifying his deeds.