Nearly all the spas in Czechia open the season in May. Usually this cause for celebration is accompanied by a number of cultural events and various special programs for visitors. So come and experience the unforgettable atmosphere of a Czech spa for yourself!
Karlovy Vary: Royal procession and new exhibition
Karlovy Vary, the centre of Czechia’s spa industry in the west of the country, will be holding a ceremonial opening of the season from 3 to 5 May. The busy programme is dominated by the Parade of Czech King Charles IV on Saturday, with a tournament of knights, acrobats and dancers. Visitors can also look forward to attractions including famous film melodies performed by the Karlovy Vary Symphony Orchestra and the Craft Fair. During the celebrations, the new Three Worlds exhibition will be inaugurated in the Imperial Baths building. The modern exhibition is dedicated to the history of the spa industry, as well as important visitors to the spa and the healing and mineral springs that the spa has used for centuries.
Františkovy Lázně: Awakening of the Town
Františkovy Lázně will open its 231st spa season on 18 May. The town has prepared a lavish cultural programme, which will take place in the music gazebo by the František spring. The Awakening of the Town will take place during the morning, and be sure not to miss the Mass and the parade through the town. There will also be a full-day programme of activities for the youngest visitors.
Teplice Spa: The oldest spa celebrates with Beethoven
The opening ceremony of the 870th spa season in Teplice in the north-east of Czechia is traditionally held on the last weekend in May, which this year falls on the 24 - 26 May. The city centre will again become one big open-air festival. Besides stages hosting various genres of music, a summer cinema and a historical marketplace, Spa Lane will now be presented as offering a surprising trip back into the history of the Teplice spa. An entire parade of kings and emperors, who liked to rule from the thermal baths in Teplice, will look down on you from the Royal Guest Gallery, while the emblems of some of the greatest classical music composers inspired by Teplice will fly above your heads. On the eve of the celebrations at the Teplice Spa the Beethoven Festival will also be launched as a tribute to this musical genius, who used to love visiting Teplice.
Mariánské Lázně: The Symphony Orchestra and the traditional blessing of the springs.
Do you know what makes Mariánské Lázně so unique? It’s the only place in the world that boasts all four natural healing resources - mineral waters, peat, mineral gas and a healing climate! And it is this unique combination that will be commemorated by the opening of the 206th spa season in Mariánské Lázně. The start is planned for Friday 10 May and will feature a concert by the West Bohemian Symphony Orchestra. The official part will continue on Saturday 11 May with a Mass in the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, near the colonnade. Visitors can once again look forward to a varied programme of events, including the traditional blessing of the springs, music of various genres, and crafts and farmers' markets.
Jáchymov Spa: Great music and delicious food
On Saturday, 25 May, the Jáchymov Spa will be hosting cultural performances throughout the day, as well as the ceremonial blessing of the springs and stalls in the park selling regional products and refreshments. You can also stop by the terrace of the Radium Palace Hotel, where there will be a food zone.
Luhačovice Spa: A veteran car show and the opening of the springs
The Luhačovice Spa in the south-east of Czechia, near the town of Zlín and the renowned Lešná Zoo, will traditionally launch the season and the arrival of spring with the Opening of the Springs Festival, to be held on 10 - 12 May. You can look forward to a vintage car show, concerts and demonstrations of historical bicycles. The traditional blessing of the springs will of course take place on Sunday.
Třeboň Spa: A beautiful spa in South Bohemia
On Saturday, 25 May, you’re invited to the town of Trebon in South Bohemia,with the day dedicated exclusively to the spa and the local peat baths. These festivities traditionally boast a particularly lavish programme of cultural, spa-related and accompanying events held in many places around the centre of Třeboň.
Teplice nad Bečvou Spa: A haven of peace and quiet in Moravia
On Saturday, 18 May, the town of Teplice nad Bečvou is preparing the opening of its 471st spa season. This year's event will be a special one as it will include a series of spa runs! You can look forward to a lavish accompanying programme, including a number of refreshment and craft stalls, entertainment for the little ones and a diverse musical line-up.
Jeseník Spa: Mountain air and crystal-clear water
You’ll love the mountain spa in Jeseník if you’re looking for peace and quiet and longing for some natural cool water healing. Jeseník now offers treatments using sea salt and salt-iodine-bromine solutions. This means you now have the opportunity to strengthen your immunity! The traditional opening of the spa season in Jeseník and the Priessnitz Spa will take place on 16 - 18 May, giving you the chance to enjoy Czech music stars, a cultural programme, a fire show and a host of vintage cars.
Opening of the 2024 spa season in the Czech Republic overview:
Františkovy Lázně: 18 MayKarlovy Vary: 3–5 May
Konstantinovy Lázně: 17–16 May
Lázně Bělohrad: 25 May
Hodonín Spa: 14 6
Jáchymov Spa: 25 May
Klimkovice Spa: 4 May
Lázně Kynžvart: 25 May
Lednice Spa: 18 May
Lázně Libverda: 25 May
Luhačovice Spa: 10–12 May
Poděbrady Spa: 10-12 May
Teplice Spa: 24–26 May
Mariánské Lázně: 10–12 May
Mšené Lázně: 4 May
Jeseník Spa 16-18 May
Litomyšl Spirit Spa 24-28 April
Třeboň Spa 25 May
Teplice nad Bečvou 18 May