West Side Story in Prague
Already regarded as a classic, the West Side Story musical will appear in Prague in the original Broadway production with text and music by Stephen Sondheim and Leonard Bernstein. Hits such as Maria, Tonight, Somewhere, or I Feel Pretty will be sung by American stars in the original text with projected Czech subtitles.

The story of Romeo and Juliet set amidst the backdrop of New York had its premiere on Broadway in 1961. Thanks to its enormous success, West Side Story was adapted into a film, which became a cinematic legend after winning ten Oscars. The original musical is now returning in a new Centennial Jubilee Production to mark the 100th anniversary of its ingenious creators and will stop over in Prague. It will definitely be a truly outstanding experience as proven by ticket sales reaching the astonishing figure of 275,000 sold in the 2013/2014 season during West Side Story touring in the UK, France, Italy, Germany and other European countries.