Exhibition of carnations in Klatovy
For over two hundred years, gardeners in Klatovy have grown a flower, which Swedish botanist K. Linnaeus gave the pretentious name of divine flower (Dianthos). Baron Volšanský brought the first carnations to Klatovy from the French city of Nancy when he returned to his hometown after the Napoleonic Wars. Carnations gradually became the symbol of the city and cultivating and growing them remained a tradition there. You can see hundreds of Klatovy carnations of all colors at the annual exhibition, which begins in late June and early July at the garden of Klatovy carnation growers and culminates with a traditional Klatovy pilgrimage on the 12th and 13th of July.


SZO ČZS Klatovský karafiát Hostašova 339 01 Klatovy