Czechoslovakia, the first common state of the Czechs and Slovaks, was established in 1918 after the breakup of Austria-Hungary. Today, October 28, would therefore be the nation’s 105th anniversary.
The Czechs and Slovaks shared one country together until 1992, when the Velvet Divorce saw the breakup of the common state and the establishment of the independent Czech Republic. The last president of Czechoslovakia was Václav Havel and this year would have been its 105th anniversary. The 1920s were the golden era of Czechoslovakia, when economic prosperity and social enthusiasm led to an unprecedented boom in culture, art and architecture. The country’s functionalist buildings dating from the 1930s in particular were acclaimed all over the world.
Discover the gems of Czechoslovak architecture, try some traditional culinary specialties or admire the work of the best artists from the First Czechoslovak Republic.