10 + 1 Best Places for a Selfie
Love them or hate them, one cannot deny the fact that selfies are a modern day phenomenon and a favourite “souvenir” to be brought home from each holiday. Fortunately, the Czech Republic is abundant in places where you can indulge in this current trend to your heart’s content. A selfie with Prague Castle is an absolute must, a trip to the mountains in Bohemia or Moravia calls for a selfie against the background of deep ravines, wild waterfalls or lookout towers. In addition, in the Czech Republic, you can always come across one of the many castles or chateaus, which will embellish your selfies.

1. Prague Castle

To be totally honest, Prague is full of nooks and niches, vantage points, gardens, towers, bridges and squares almost forcing you to take a selfie. As we said, one with Prague Castle is almost compulsory for each and every visitor. The more challenging aspect is to take an original selfie with this Prague famous landmark. One of the most popular images is a photo of the Castle from Charles Bridge. However, if you want to make it more interesting, try a selfie of you lost in the winding lanes of Lesser Town, with the Prague Castle towers peering in the background. It is also a good idea to ride or walk up Petřín Hill and take a selfie with the Castle from a somewhat different perspective, whether it is from the lookout tower or the parks. As Prague Castle is visible virtually from the whole city centre, possibilities for selfies are almost unlimited.

2. St. John's Rapids

The River Vltava has a special place in the hearts of Czechs as well as the history of the Czech lands. It is the longest river in the country, flows through its capital city and the famous composer Bedřich Smetana devoted his famous symphonic poem to it. Situated in one of the Vltava valleys, where the river twists in a sharp bend, St. John's Rapids rank among the most popular and best-known vantage points. In the times before the dam, this place was known mainly among rafters as a dangerous section due to the wild rapids and protruding rocks. The picturesque landscape was honoured by Czech tourists, who in 1889 marked here the very first tourist route in the territory of the Czech Republic. A selfie with a river bend, shrouded in history, is a valuable addition to your collection.

3. Český Krumlov

A selfie of a charming town taken from a romantic castle or a selfie of a romantic castle taken from a charming town? You will have to face this dilemma in Český Krumlov.  This South Bohemian town situated on the River Vltava enchants visitors from many countries around the world in winter and summer alike. A trip to Český Krumlov is worthwhile, obviously not only for a selfie, since this town is inscribed on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites .

4. Červená Lhota

Still staying in South Bohemia, head from the charming town of Český Krumlov to the fabulous Červená Lhota. You can take a selfie with a red chateau, which admittedly does not rank among the biggest of such buildings, but is certainly one of the most popular. Whether it is due to its colour, beauty or the fact that it lies on a tiny island in a small lake. The backdrop of Červená Lhota will definitely suit you.

5. Ještěd

If you prefer mountains to castles, chateaux and such and  modern architecture interests you more than historical sites, be sure to get yourself a selfie with the Ještěd television transmitter, which is situated in North Bohemia. The elegant building on top of the hill of the same name received the most prestigious award from the International Union of Architects and has also been included among the Seven Wonders of the Czech Republic. Taking a selfie with it is quite a challenge. It is fairly feasible from the valley below the hill in the direction from Liberec, nonetheless the closer you get, the more difficult it will be to fit it in a selfie. But it will definitely be worth it.

6. Loket

One of the most beautiful castles in the Czech Republic lies in the west of the country, famed for its spa industry and the beautiful countryside. Loket Castle is situated on the border of the Slavkov Forest Protected Landscape Area on a rocky peninsula with the River Ohře flowing round it. Castle defence walls and towers rise on a rock above the valley, making it a great backdrop for a selfie, with you at the forefront of course.

7. Svatý kopeček (Holy Hill) in Mikulov

Now it is time to take our best selfie tips to Moravia, reputed for its wine production and much more. We are going to start in Mikulov, which is the unofficial capital of wine and attracts visitors to a beautiful castle rising above the town. The second famous landmark of the town - Holy Hill is the place where you should head for in your hunt for selfies. Covered in shrines instead of trees, the hill emits a unique atmosphere where taking photos is too easy for words. Afterwards you can reward yourself with a glass of wine in one of the local wine cellars.

8. Treetop Walkway

Leave your everyday worries on the ground and set off to the sky, but make sure to take a camera or a mobile phone with you! The Treetop Walkway is a quite new attraction, though it has already enjoyed great popularity. You will find it in the area of Dolní Morava in the beautiful Jeseníky Mountains. And what is it all about? The Treetop Walkway is a unique structure, standing near to the upper station of the chairlift, which clearly suggests it is located high in the mountains. The shape of the structure resembles a butterfly in flight and thanks to the well-thought out design it is negotiable even with a pram. Climbing up the peak is not difficult at all, so you need not worry that you won’t look great in your selfie.

9. Brno Astronomical Clock

Everyone, who has ever visited Old Town Square, knows that Prague has a beautiful and spectacular astronomical clock. But you can get yourself a truly original selfie, if you point your lens at the one in Brno. The black stone sculpture on a square in the centre of Brno draws attention not only due to its colour and shape but also allows room for your imagination to run wild in thinking what it really looks like.

10. Minaret in Moravia

Besides Mikulov, South Moravia boast another attraction much sought after by tourists and bikers alike – the Lednice-Valtice Complex. The whole landscape is inscribed on the UNESCO list, and so it is another interesting site if you wish to bring an original selfie back home from the Czech Republic. Near Lednice Chateau you can take an unusual selfie with a minaret.


And finally comes the last bonus tip, which is not actually connected with a specific location. But if you want to have a really authentic selfie from the Czech Republic, then you should grab yourself a pint of good quality and well chilled Czech beer and get ready for the picture. So cheers, and say cheese!
