The longest suspension bridge in the world is being built in the Dolní Morava mountain resort; it will offer visitors a breath-taking spectacle with a bit of adrenalin. It will be almost ¾ of a kilometre long, more than two hundred metres longer than the current longest suspension bridge in the world, located in Arouca, Portugal. The first visitors can walk along the bridge at the respectable height of 95 metres above ground in spring this year.

The Dolní Morava Resort is situated in East Bohemia, in the foothills of the Jeseníky Mountains. The resort offers many holiday opportunities both in winter and summer. In addition to the novelty in progress, you can also visit the popular Sky Walk, one of the most visited destinations in the country, or take a ride on the bobsleigh track or the Mammoth Alpine Coaster, but that is not all, there are many other attractions in the surroundings. A new original educational trail called the ‘Bridge of Time’ is currently being built, with augmented reality components. The unique game with ten educational panels teaches about nature protection as well as the moved history of Sudetenland in an interactive and entertaining way.