Sovinec(索温内茨)城堡巍然耸立于嶙峋的Nízky Jeseník(低叶赛尼克)山脉之上。它始建于14世纪。100年之后成为了胡斯运动的一个重要堡垒。三十年战争期间经历了巨大的危险。我们可以欣赏到保存至今、在三十年战争中作为世界上最大的防御工事的城墙。二次大战期间它被用作监狱。后来这里成为自由组织的一部分,一些被禁的捷克造型艺术家们在这里进行展览。在这里您可以了解充满矛盾的捷克历史,深刻体会这个美丽的国家。

Nowadays however, we can admire the castle fortifications as the most extensive preserved fortifications from the time of the Thirty Years War in our lands. During World War Two, the castle was used as a prison and base for the SS. On the contrary, it was one of the freedom cells during the period of normalisation where banned Czech artists were able to present their work. Visit a place full of the widely differing throes of Czech history, set in wonderful countryside.