四星级的大都会酒店,是一幢 9 层楼高的全玻璃幕墙建筑,为艺术爱好者和建筑理论家所钟爱。酒店位于布拉格市中心的民族大街(Národní třída)。客房的特色是前卫而不失优雅的现代设计,线条简洁。在较高楼层可以更好地欣赏布拉格城堡。从酒店屋顶的露台上,也可以领略布拉格这座传奇之城的美景。酒店内有 Metropol Café餐厅,在那里您可以品尝精致的地中海菜肴以及捷克经典菜式。
The hotel’s rooms are marked by their modern design, with their clean lines avant-garde yet elegant, and with a fantastic view of Prague Castle from the upper floors. A once-in-a-lifetime view of the fairytale city panorama can also be had from the hotel’s sunny rooftop terrace. The hotel includes the Metropol Café restaurant, where you can choose from a selection of Mediterranean dishes, as well as Czech classics.