在皮塞克市中心您看不到现代化的酒店。就像酒店的名称一样,您会被带回 20 世纪 40 年代的电影院中。黑白照片的点缀会使您深刻地体会到捷克著名电影的艺术氛围。在这里您可以品尝到由经验丰富的主厨为您提供的各种美食,不仅仅是捷克美食,还有外国美食。当然,来自捷克地区和摩拉维亚地区,以及智利、法国、意大利以及澳大利亚的葡萄美酒也不能错过。
Make your choice from the offer of the experienced head chef, which includes not only Czech but also foreign cuisine. There is of course a high quality selection of wines not only from Bohemia and Moravia (Petr Skoupil Winery, Znovín Znojmo and Habánské sklepy…), but also from Chile, France, Italy and Australia.