UPDATE 19. 7. 2021!
The rules for arrivals in the Czech Republic will change. There is an obligation for persons arriving from all countries (including the low-risk green category) to provide a completely filled arrival form. People who have been vaccinated, people who had COVID-19 in last 180 days and children under the age of 6 do not need to take tests or self-isolation. All others are obliged to undergo tests to determine the presence of SARS-CoV-2 and eventually undergo self-isolation according to specifications.
Conditions of entry into the Czech Republic
When planning a visit to the Czech Republic, it is important where you come from. The individual countries are divided by colour according to the degree of risk of infection ("traffic lights" system). If you are traveling from a country that is not part of the European Union, then contact your embassy in the Czech Republic and check whether you are authorized to enter the country.Foreigners (except for travellers from green countries, member states of EU) can come to the Czech Republic only on the grounds of essential reasons, not for tourism or visiting friends.
As of 9 July 2021 the Ministry of Health updated the Protective Measure regarding the conditions of entry into the Czech Republic. The condition for travels from countries with a low and a medium risk and countries with a high and a very high risk are unified.
Persons travelling from the country with a low and medium risk are obliged to fill in the arrival form (the exception have children under the age of 6) and undergo an antigen or PCR test before or within 5 days after arrival.
The exception from testing and self-isolation
(but not filling in the arrival form) is applied to:- Persons who had COVID-19 in the last 180 days (it is necessary to have a written medical certificate from EU+ country where the isolation was completed or a digital EU certificate on it).
- Persons fully vaccinated in the EU+ countries after at least 14 days from the application of the last dose (it is necessary to have a national certificate or a digital EU certificate).
- Czech citizens and EU+ citizens fully vaccinated in a third country with the EMA approved vaccination after at least 14 days from the application of the last dose (it is necessary to have a certificate whose sample is published on the Ministry of Health´s website).
Rules for testing:
Testing before arrival to the Czech Republic:1) PCR not longer than 72 hours before starting the travel
2) antigen not longer than 48 hours
Testing after arrival to the Czech Republic - within 5 days after arrival from countries with low and medium risk and 5th day after the arrival from a country with high or very high risk at the earliest
Self-isolation - until receiving a negative result of the test undergone in Czechia; time periods for undergoing test in Czechia are mentioned above.
From 1st July, the EU Digital COVID certificate for vaccination, testing or covering from COVID-19 will be used exclusively when traveling within the EU. Fully vaccinated citizens of the Czech Republic will have their rules relaxed when traveling throughout the EU.
Detailed information can be found here.
List of low, medium and high risk countries can be found HERE - PDF
For Czech citizens there is an application čTečka (E-reader), where they can save their vaccination certificate, tests or certificate of covering from COVID-19.

- A common list of COVID-19 rapid antigen tests, including those of which their test results are mutually recognised, and a common standardised set of data to be included in COVID-19 test result certificates.
- National Certificates Types
- Step-by-step guide on quarantine measures
In case you need to contact an embassy or a consulate of your country while in the Czech Republic, please see the List of Foreign Missions to the Czech Repulic.