Wine and wine trails
Wines from the Litoměřice district, where there is also a network of wine trails, are well-known. The history of winegrowing in the Litoměřice district dates back to the oldest times of settlement of the country by Czech population and, simultaneously, to the period when Christianity spread.
Litoměřice was the second-biggest wine-making town in Bohemia after Prague in the Middle Ages. Its cadastre included 400 ha of vineyards. White wines varieties including Riesling, Pinot Blanc and Müller Thurgau are grown in the nearby village of Žernoseky. Another winemaking town was Louny, which specialised in Savagnin blanc.
On your journey to discovering this winegrowing region you may be guided by the Litoměřice Wine Trail. It has 9 stops in total and is almost 20 km long. The trail will not only familiarise you with the local wine, the history of its growing and winemakers, but also with the natural landmarks in the surroundings. The trail runs through Litoměřice, Žalhostice, Žernoseky and Lovosice.