In 1866 nearly half a million soldiers fought in the battle of Chlum near Hradec Králové, with over 50 thousand of them losing their lives or being maimed, and many others being taken prisoner or missing in action. In this very location the Prussian Army overwhelmingly defeated the Austro-Saxon troops. The 1866 battle became the decisive moment in the Austro-Prussian War and obviously also in the history of the Czech land, because in terms of the number of troops deployed it is the largest engagement in our territory.
In addition to the traditional battle re-enactments at Chlum and its surroundings the event promises an international conference, concerts, exhibitions and screenings. The cultural programme will also be staged in the centre of Hradec Králové and many other East Bohemian villages where the battle spilled into in 1866. The remembrance events will culminate with Saturday’s re-enactment of a crucial part of the battle with the participation of 500 soldiers in period uniforms, historic cannons and cavalry. A battlefield with ample pyrotechnic and visual effects will be prepared on authentic sites in the valley near Chlum below the monument commemorating the Battery of the Dead.