Gastronomy of a higher level in the Czech Republic
Visiting top restaurants is an extraordinary experience. And most of us will treat ourselves only when on special occasions. The event will be etched in our minds we will remember it for a long time. In such restaurants, the menu is usually elaborately prepared down to the last detail and the number of courses easily exceeds ten. There are already quite a few such restaurants in the Czech Republic today and you will see that you will have a plethora of dining options from which to choose!
Over the last 30 years, since the end of the Iron Curtain, the level of hospitality in the Czech Republic has risen sharply. The expanding tourism called for a higher level of gastronomy than once existed in Czechoslovakia, and a new trend emerged - fine dining. The beginnings were difficult for Czech cuisine, the first restaurants of the upper middle and upper class were only for only the most affluent tourists. Prague restaurants, such as Kampa Group, La Collezione or Zátiší Group, were the first to explore this unmapped territory.

The Michelin stars shine bright

The first Michelin awards, which arrived in Prague in 2008, went to chefs in global hotel chains. They were acquired by Andrea Accordi and the Allegro restaurant of the Four Seasons Hotel, and then by Gordon Ramsay at the Hilton. However, there were also other chefs who gradually returned the hallmark of quality to Czech traditional dishes and aroused increasing interest in them. 4 years later, in 2012, the first Czech chef in a traditionally Czech-orientated restaurant was awarded the Michelin star. It was La Degustation Bohême Bourgeoise in Prague's Old Town. This top Czech restaurant still holds the star and continues to offer an excellent menu 10 years later.

Author: archiv Milan Ballík

At that time, the star also shone over the Alcron restaurant of the hotel of the same name. However, it was only able to defend its title for five years. Thanks to another Michelin star, which was acquired by the then new Field Restaurant Radek Kašpárek again in Prague's Old Town, however, two Michelin stars remained in the Czech Republic. Today, Czech cuisine is significantly represented in both restaurants. Oldřich Sahajdák, the chef at La Degu, as La Degustation Bohême Bourgeoise is called among gourmet locals, works exclusively with Czech recipes and, within the framework of sustainability, also with Czech ingredients. And always in such a way as to provide the freshest seasonal produce.

Bib Gourmand – quality for an affordable price

In recent years, the Michelin award has been extended to include Bib Gourmand, a place where they serve "good food at affordable prices". This award is currently held by four other Czech restaurants. And you will find them all in Prague - Divinis, Eska, Na Kopci and Sansho. Eska is a prototype of innovative cuisine with sprouted wheat or potatoes on straw, Na Kopci is a quality family restaurant in the suburbs, Divinis presents top Italian cuisine and Sansho will surprise you with its quality meat.


Fine dining outside of Prague

But even outside of Prague, you will find great fine dining restaurants offering an unforgettable experience. For example, the Olomouc restaurant Entrée, where they regularly change the menu according to season. Among the most favoured restaurants is definitely e.g. Piano Nobile in Chateau Mcely in Central Bohemia. Or Vittorio in Brno. It is said to be the best in the whole of Brno. Is it true? Taste and see for yourself! The list of restaurants mentioned here is certainly not exhaustive and there are many top-notch restaurants that we have not included. Even so, we hope that we have sparked your interest and that your taste buds are ready for an unforgettable experience.