One of the sayings well-known in the Czech Republic and beyond its borders goes like this – anyone who is Czech is also a musician. However, it should also say that anyone who is Czech is also a tourist. And why? Because hiking in Bohemia and Moravia has a tradition of more than one hundred years. The charming scenery of Czech mountains, rock towns, deep valleys and even the deeper forests quite literally invite serious hiking as well as leisurely walks. You need not worry about orientation in the terrain – the tourist sign system in the Czech Republic is one of the most advanced in the world.
The first tourist signs saw the light of day in the territory of the Czech Republic as early as the end of the 19th century. Since then the tourist route network has been periodically expanding. Currently, tourist sign marking is ongoing in the former military zone in Brdy near Pilsen, representing a landscape so far untouched by tourism. Nonetheless, the Czech Republic has hiking evergreens on offer and we are only too happy to present some of these to you now.
Explore the beauty of the spots that can be reached in no other way that on foot ...
You could spend weeks and weeks hiking along the tourist trails in the most famous Czech mountains, Krkonoše, on the border of the Czech Republic and Poland. And you definitely would not get bored! However, we have two tips for Krkonoše evergreens. The first hike climbs up Sněžka, the highest mountain in the Czech Republic. You can head for it through Obří důl (Giant Valley), commanding breathtaking panoramic views. Those who don’t trust their fitness that much can ride up Sněžka peak by a cable car from Pec pod Sněžkou.
Krkonoše keeps luring visitors to another noted landmark, the source of the River Elbe. Flowing through East and North Bohemia and then making its way through the whole of Germany as far as the North Sea, the river actually rises in the Elbe Meadow. You can reach this destination from the famous sports centre of Horní Mísečky near Špindlerův Mlýn, from where less fit tourists can negotiate a part of the journey using a chair lift.
Those familiar with the mountain hiking options in the Czech Republic would probably recommend trails in the Jeseníky, ranking among the most beautiful in the country. While in the west of the Czech Republic, namely in the Krušné Mountains, you can follow in the footsteps of precious metal prospectors.
Staying a little longer in Šumava, we can highly recommend a hiking trail along the River Vydra. Acting like a great guide in exploring the beauty of Šumava, the peaceful flow of the river rapidly changes in dramatic bends with huge stones and waterfalls.
An absolutely unique and guaranteed experience awaits you in the Moravian Karst. You can take a walk past the renowned caves or go to Macocha, the deepest abyss in the Czech Republic. You can spice up your trip with a boat ride on the subterranean River Punkva.
Not many natural spots are as mysteriously beautiful as rock towns and as luck would have it the Czech Republic has several of these. You can enjoy their captivating charm on a walk through Adršpach Rocks in East Bohemia. An easy hike will take you to the largest sandstone arch in Europe, located in the popular area of Bohemian Switzerland, on the border of the Czech Republic and Germany. A unique rock town that no one ever wants to leave is the Prachov Rocks, situated within the boundaries of the Bohemian Paradise. protected landscape area.
Another ideal place for walking is the region of North Bohemia, where you will find romantic castles such as Kokořín and Bezděz. A quite unknown spot of the beautiful landscape of Vysočina is for example the Karasín lookout tower on the border between Bohemia and Moravia.
Explore the beauty of the spots that can be reached in no other way that on foot ...
Along mountain ridges

Krkonoše keeps luring visitors to another noted landmark, the source of the River Elbe. Flowing through East and North Bohemia and then making its way through the whole of Germany as far as the North Sea, the river actually rises in the Elbe Meadow. You can reach this destination from the famous sports centre of Horní Mísečky near Špindlerův Mlýn, from where less fit tourists can negotiate a part of the journey using a chair lift.
Those familiar with the mountain hiking options in the Czech Republic would probably recommend trails in the Jeseníky, ranking among the most beautiful in the country. While in the west of the Czech Republic, namely in the Krušné Mountains, you can follow in the footsteps of precious metal prospectors.
Through a peaceful landscape for a wine treat
A whole chapter in a book on tourist routes in the Czech Republic could be devoted to the trails in the middle of vineyards. Walks through the tranquil countryside of South Moravia are in stark contrast to the dramatic mountain hikes. A walking tour through Pálava will take you to the wine metropolis of Mikulov and its landmark Svatý kopeček (Holy Hill). Following a different route, you will reach the romantic ruins of Sirotčí hrádek (Orphan Castle). On your journey you will be accompanied by the friendly atmosphere of South Moravia and obviously excellent wine, which you can taste in one of the many wine cellars here.In the company of rivers and lakes
Heading to the south of the Czech Republic, you will come across the scenic valleys and dense forests of the Šumava Mountains. This place also offers dozens of hiking routes where it is quite easy to spend hours and hours. One of the most amazing trips will take you to Black and Devil's Lakes. As they both hide deep in woods and cannot be reached by car, you will have to explore their beauty under your own steam.Staying a little longer in Šumava, we can highly recommend a hiking trail along the River Vydra. Acting like a great guide in exploring the beauty of Šumava, the peaceful flow of the river rapidly changes in dramatic bends with huge stones and waterfalls.
An absolutely unique and guaranteed experience awaits you in the Moravian Karst. You can take a walk past the renowned caves or go to Macocha, the deepest abyss in the Czech Republic. You can spice up your trip with a boat ride on the subterranean River Punkva.
Rock towns

In pursuit of lesser known sites
Get ready for a stroll and discover the unknown face of Olomouc. This historical town is known by most people as a Baroque pearl of Moravia boasting a UNESCO heritage site. But Olomouc also has a chequered military history which only few people are aware of. You can find out more about it on your walk exploring the sites from the period when Olomouc served as a stronghold. Its beginnings are connected with the foundation of the town and it experienced a vast expansion from the 16th to the 19th century.Another ideal place for walking is the region of North Bohemia, where you will find romantic castles such as Kokořín and Bezděz. A quite unknown spot of the beautiful landscape of Vysočina is for example the Karasín lookout tower on the border between Bohemia and Moravia.