Spa & Wellness
Vincenz Priessnitz – a pioneer of natural healing
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Vincenz Priessnitz – a pioneer of natural healing

In November, exactly 170 years will have passed since the death of a prominent native of today's Czech Republic and the founder of many modern spa treatments, Vincenz Priessnitz. He was born on 5 October 1799 in Jeseník and died there on 28 November 1851. Today, we refer to him as the founder of natural healing and the founder of the spa Lázně Jeseník. Among others, he promoted work, fresh air and clean mountain water as ways of healing. He thus laid the foundations of so-called hydrotherapy. He is also known for the treatment of the respiratory tract, with the so-called Priessnitz compress. We will now reveal to you this somewhat time-forgotten yet prominent figure of natural healing.