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The world’s longest suspended bridge in the Czech Republic
The world’s longest suspended bridge that will link two mountain ridges is under construction at the Dolní Morava mountain resort. The footbridge will be 730 metres long at a height of 95 metres above the ground. It will welcome its first visitors in spring 2022.
The Dolní Morava Tourist Centre situated between the Orlické (Eagle) Mountains and the Jeseníky Mountains at the foot of the Králický Sněžník massif offers broad options for winter or summer holidays. What’s more, it is expanding its attractions. In addition to the popular Skywalk, bobsleigh track and mammoth roller coaster and other attractivities, a unique suspended bridge over the Mlýnické Valley is being built in the resort. With its dimensions, the bridge will break the record of the currently longest 516 metres long bridge in the Arouca area, Portugal, which opened in spring 2021.
The unique 730 metres long and 95 metres high bridge will lead from the Slaměnka Chalet near the Skywalk over the valley all the way to the side of Chlum Hill. It was named Sky Bridge 721. Tourists will enter it at an elevation of 1,125 metres and exit it ten metres higher.
The builders will use 1,030 cubic metres of concrete to build the suspended bridge. It will weigh 405 tonnes, with the total weight of the ropes reaching 158 tonnes, and auxiliary structures 20 tonnes. The main rope will have 76 millimetres in diameter.
So, the modern mountain resort, which is open all-year-long and offers a broad range of sports, adrenaline and recreation activities, will have a globally unique object.