The regions of Prague (2,965,298 overnight stays), the Giant Mountains region of Hradec Králové (1,262,594 overnight stays) and the spa region of Karlovy Vary (1,013,959 overnight stays) were the most visited in the first quarter of 2023. Interest in each region differed among locals and foreign tourists. While for the Czechs the Králové (955,813 overnight stays) and Liberec (also a Krkonoše region; 633,278 overnight stays) were the most frequent holiday destinations, followed by Prague (589,418 overnight stays), the Czech capital was clearly at the top for foreigners (2,375,880 overnight stays), followed by the Karlovy Vary region (583,033 overnight stays) and the Hradec Králové region (306,781 overnight stays).
Also this year CzechTourism is running a global online campaign to support incoming tourism. This takes place in two waves and focuses on the topic of traditions, with each region being presented with its own motif. CZK 35.4 million will be invested in the campaign, which will be shown in Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Great Britain, the USA, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Hungary and Israel .
Read more: Czech Tourism Tourdata.